[plt-scheme] PLT Web Server

From: Mike Burns (netgeek at speakeasy.net)
Date: Tue Jun 29 21:06:00 EDT 2004

--- Arend P. van der Veen mumbled on 2004-06-29 20.47.56 -0400 ---
> Following is the contents of multiply.ss:

There were two errors in this example, both of which will be corrected in 
the next version of the documentation.

> (require (lib "unitsig.ss")
>     (lib "servlet-sig.ss" "web-server")
>     (lib "servlet-helpers.ss" "web-server"))
> (unit/sig ()
>  (import servlet^)
>  (send/finish (answer-page (* (get-number "first") (get-number "second")))

This is the problem line. It needs another closing paren. In addition, it 
should appear _after_ the definitions, as the last expression in this unit.

Thank you for reporting this error.

Mike Burns netgeek at speakeasy.net http://netgeek.ws

Posted on the users mailing list.