[plt-scheme] ICFP Contest Reminder
>>on 6/1/04 5:31 AM, Neil W. Van Dyke wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> ifconfig <nslookupifconfig at hotmail.com> writes at 00:41 01-Jun-2004 +0200:
>> I wanted to ask if anyone is planning on participating with DrScheme
>> or not?
> If the task, once posted, looks like I can make a dent in it with about
> a day of work, there's a good chance I'll give it a try with MzScheme
> and C.
> I don't expect to finish or submit an entry, and can't commit to a
> marathon team.
> Some younger women and men should join together to form Team PLT.
I have been thinking of entering, along with another friend of mine. But I
don't expect to win anything or even complete the project because I am not a
very experienced programmer. I'm more doing it for the experience and to
challenge myself. But if I do enter, it will be with DrScheme.