[plt-scheme] reference to undefined identifier when loading module
I created a module called laml.scm:
(module laml mzscheme
(define laml-dir "c:/Programs/laml/")
(display laml-dir)
(load (string-append laml-dir "laml-init.scm")))
I have a problem when loading it under mzscheme 207:
> (require (file "laml.scm"))
reference to undefined identifier: laml-dir
1/ Could someone tell me how to fix this?
2/ At some point, I am going to switch to using require() and provide()
but I wanted to find out why I was having the error I was having.
(let recur ((lis x) (k k))
(if (zero? k) (values '() lis)
(receive (prefix suffix) (recur (cdr lis) (- k 1))
(values (cons (car lis) prefix) suffix)))))