[plt-scheme] Servlet Timeouts

From: Greg Pettyjohn (gregp at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 1 14:30:49 EDT 2004

There is a servlet timeout test as part of the servlet test suite.
I will be improving these tests in the next week or so.

Pete Hopkins, a student at Brown, has also done a series of stress 
tests which characterize the server's
resource usage with respect to continuations.

We have identified a few problems with managing the lifetimes of 
continuations and
will be providing a solution in  some future version of the server.

Although this is a research project that we are currently aggressively 
pursuing, we
are still only a few weeks into it and I don't yet have a prediction as 
to when a solution will
be available.

On Jul 1, 2004, at 8:16 AM, Arend P. van der Veen wrote:

>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Hi,
> I have been attempting to test the servlet timeout feature to confirm 
> that the system reclaims continuations used by a servlet.  To perform 
> this test I wrote a function (in Python) on another machine that 
> accessed the add.ss example servlet.  The function submits the first 
> number but never submits the second number.  I call this function 
> 40,000 times.  According to my web server configuration file I would 
> expect that the servlet should time out in two minutes (default 
> servlet timeout = 120 seconds).   After I completed my test the web 
> server process has consumed about 152 MB of RAM.     I think that the 
> memory consumption has stabilized even if I rerun the test (and not 
> restart the web server).  Also, it takes much more then 2 minutes for 
> my python client to access the server 40,000 times.
> 1.   I was originally having problems with the add servlet leaking 
> memory.  I included a send/finish at the end of the unit.  My new 
> add.ss is at the end of this post.  Am I correct in assuming that this 
> servlet should not leak memory now ?
> 2.   Do the log files contain any information indicating that a 
> servlet has timeout ?  I was not able to find any indications.
> 3.   When the servlet times out should all the RAM associated with the 
> servlet be automatically released ?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Arend van der Veen
> add.ss:
> (require (lib "unitsig.ss")
>         (lib "servlet-sig.ss" "web-server")
>         (lib "servlet-helpers.ss" "web-server")
>         (lib "date.ss"))
> (unit/sig () (import servlet^)
>  ; request-number : str -> num
>  (define (request-number which-number)
>    (string->number
>     (extract-binding/single
>      'number
>      (request-bindings (send/suspend (build-request-page 
> which-number))))))
>  ; build-request-page : str -> str -> response
>  (define (build-request-page which-number)
>    (lambda (k-url)
>      `(html (head (title "Enter a Number to Add"))
>             (body ([bgcolor "white"])
>                   (form ([action ,k-url] [method "post"])
>                         "Enter the " ,which-number " number to add: "
>                         (input ([type "text"] [name "number"] [value 
> ""]))
>                         (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value 
> "Enter"])))))))
>  (define (answer-page)
>    `(html (head (title "Sum"))
>         (body ([bgcolor "white"])
>               (p "The sum is "
>              ,(number->string (+ (request-number "first") 
> (request-number "second")))))))
>  (send/finish (answer-page)))

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