[plt-scheme] Re: Visual Studio .NET ...easier than PLT Scheme
This speaks for wizards in DrScheme. They'd be easy to add. We could
spit out tons of scaffolding in no time. -- Matthias
On Jan 30, 2004, at 2:52 AM, Brent Fulgham wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Gordon Weakliem wrote:
>> FWIW, I've heard that most devs working on actual products (not
>> one-offs and sample code) at Microsoft don't use Visual Studio,
>> partly because VS doesn't handle large projects well, and partly
>> because VS doesn't integrate nicely into any sort of automated build.
>> And partly because a lot of those guys already have a favorite
>> editor and don't want to switch.
> I can vouch for the fact that VS is not my first choice for large
> projects for these very reasons. The GUI is nice for debugging
> specific modules, and provides a very nice text editor and linkage to
> help files. However, large-scale project builds require a lot of
> hands-on tweaking (since the project files are not real amenable to
> integration with third-party tools). nmake is inferior to most
> UNIX-style makes, and so it's very time consuming if your projects
> involve multiple tools or languages.
> But of course, this is the antithesis of the .NET ideal of "everything
> is .NET -- why shop anywhere else?", so it's to be expected. We
> basically have ClearCase drive builds for the AIX end of things, then
> allow our trained "CM Professional" load the project files and press
> "BUILD" and then take various actions when things break.
>> I saw a presentation by the former head of the Visual Studio product
>> line (back in Version 2.0) who readily admitted that MS' compiler was
>> nowhere near as good as the competition, but the AppWizards were the
>> hook that got a lot of people into C++. Basically, you'd hit a
>> button and have something sort of working in a minute or so. I
>> distinctly remember being impressed by that back in the day.
> This is exactly what prompted our FORMER VP of development to force C#
> on us. Alas ;-), she is no longer with the company. But the legacy
> remains.
>> The Scribble tutorial was great as well, because it worked you
>> through implementing a lot of common features (at least for editor
>> apps) in a pretty painless way. That's a lesson MS learned from VB,
>> most programmers are in a hurry and given the good-fast-cheap
>> triangle, they'll always pick the last two.
> Long live worse is better!
> -Brent