[plt-scheme] user defined exceptions
I was wondering if I could get some guidance on how to create a set of
"user defined" exceptions, i.e. exceptions that are specific to my
application. The two options I was looking at were:
1. Create a subtype of the structure exn. For example, I created
a subtype called exn:db using
(define-struct (exn:db exn) ())
and then when the condition that triggered the exception was
encountered I used the following to raise it
(let ((e (make-exn:db "my error message" #f)))
(raise e)))
However, I'm not sure what I should be putting in the second
argument to make-exn:db, where I have #f?
2. Create my own single field structure, with the single field
containing the error message, and create subtypes of it for
specific exceptions.
Thanks very much for any suggestions!