[plt-scheme] SrPersist and bind-parameter
There are no examples, and the following returns 0 rows
(define table-select
"SELECT rel, attr, domain, domlength, domprec, nullable, PKCOLSEQNUM AS pkpos, fkpos, fktable,
fkattr "
" FROM Gen_Schema, syspkconstraints PK"
" WHERE Gen_Schema.rel = PK.Name (+)"
" AND Gen_Schema.attr = PK.ColName (+)"
" AND rel = ?"))
(define tname-buffer (make-buffer '(sql-c-char 18)))
(define tname-indicator (make-indicator))
(write-buffer! tname-buffer "INVENTORY")
(prepare hstmt table-select)
(bind-parameter hstmt 1 'sql-param-input 'sql-varchar 18 tname-buffer tname-indicator)
(sql-execute hstmt)
and yet with: " AND rel = 'INVENTORY'"))
I get lots.
What am I missing?