[plt-scheme] eliminate expensive toys: please critique the solution + access to website Solutions...
Having a background in logic programming, I solved this problem with an
accumulator and an auxilliary function. I might've been able to do it
with a named let, but I had problems following that part of the "Teach
Yourself ... Fixnum ..." book.
(define (e-e-internal e-e-tmp thresh tl)
[(empty? tl) e-e-tmp]
[(> (first tl) thresh) (e-e-internal e-e-tmp
thresh (rest tl))]
[else (e-e-internal (cons (first tl) e-e-tmp)
thresh (rest tl))]
(define (e-e thresh tl)
(e-e-internal empty thresh tl))
Also, how do I gain access to the solutions on the website? I am
entering a program in Mathematics Teacher Education this summer (either
Florida Atlantic/International University or Wnthrop University).