[plt-scheme] Re: HOWTO: SchemeQL + MySQL on OS X
I'd like to respond to this message which I found in the archives about
SchemeQL, the high level interface from Scheme to relational databases:
I'd like to give a big thanks to David Herman for sharing his knowledge
of how to make SchemeQL work with MySQL on OS X. I followed his
instructions and I got it to work.
I'd also like to report a bug which I find very disconcerting. If I
call SchemeQL's connect-to-database and pass it the name of a database
which does not exist, it causes the whole PLT Scheme environment to
crash and die! I've verified that SrPersist, which SchemeQL uses, does
*not* crash when you try to connect to a non-existent database, so I
think the bug must be in SchemeQL itself.
I'd like to tell everyone who works on DrScheme that I think you've
created a marvelous environment. It just works correctly and
intuitively virtually all the time for me. I especially love the
cross-platform, native-look-and-feel GUI classes. I don't think any
other lisp has that. And you've done such a great job at creating a
Scheme interface onto the wxWindows library that I find it much easier
to use than wxPython which is a similar effort for Python.
I guess the one thing I'd like to see improved in DrScheme would be
better run time error reporting and debugging. Sometimes I introduce
an error and although Dr. Scheme will tell me something's wrong I can't
glean any useful information from the error message. As a result, I
rely on making small changes at a time so when something goes wrong I
know it's related to whatever I just changed. If someone were to
introduce a random error into my large program or if I tried to make
many changes at once, I think I'd never be able to debug it.
I'd like to close with a recommendation for a great programmer's editor
which I use with DrScheme. It's Leo, the programmer's editor and
outliner, which you can get for free here: http://leo.sourceforge.net/
Leo lets you write your programs in outline form so that you can hide
complexity by using hierarchy. It automatically writes your program
out in a flat file which can be loaded into traditional tools such as
DrScheme. I wouldn't want to program any other way -- Leo + DrScheme
is the best as far as I'm concerned. Check it out!
-- Dan