[plt-scheme] setup-extension.ss question

From: Zhu Chongkai (mathematica at citiz.net)
Date: Tue Dec 21 05:52:09 EST 2004

Thank you for your reply. Now if I load the pre-installer
module in DrScheme, and run it by hand, the {so/dll} file
was made successfully (with some messages):

(module installer mzscheme
  (require (lib "setup-extension.ss" "make"))
  (provide pre-installer)
  (define (pre-installer directory-path)
    (pre-install (find-system-path 'home-dir)
                 (lambda (t) (t)))))

> (require installer)
> (pre-installer (string->path "/usr/FULL-299.25/collects/mrmathematica/"))
> (pre-installer (string->path "C:\\Program Files\\PLT-FULLCVS-299.25\\collects\\mrmathematica\\"))

But if I built a .plt file, it fails, with the following error message:

setup-plt: Collection paths are 
setup-plt:   /root/.plt-scheme/299.25/collects
setup-plt:   /usr/full-299.25/collects
setup-plt: Unpacking MrMathematica from mrmathematica.plt
setup-plt:   making directory mrmathematica in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/
setup-plt:   unpacking doc.txt in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking info.ss in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking installer.ss in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking mathematica.png in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking mathematica.ss in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking ml.c in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt:   unpacking tool.ss in /usr/full-299.25/./collects/mrmathematica/
setup-plt: Pre-Installing MrMathematica
make: don't know how to make ml.c
setup-plt: Compiling .zos used by MrMathematica
setup-plt:   in /usr/full-299.25/collects/mrmathematica/
open-input-file: cannot open input file: "/usr/full-299.25/collects/mrmathematica/ml.ss" (No such file or directory; errno=2)
setup-plt: Done setting up
setup-plt: Error during Early Install for MrMathematica (/usr/full-299.25/collects/mrmathematica)
setup-plt:   make: don't know how to make ml.c
setup-plt: Error during Compiling .zos for MrMathematica (/usr/full-299.25/collects/mrmathematica)
setup-plt:   open-input-file: cannot open input file: "/usr/full-299.25/collects/mrmathematica/ml.ss" (No such file or directory; errno=2)

(windows, just the same)
setup-plt: Pre-Installing MrMathematica
make: don't know how to make ml.c

Zhu Chongkai
======= At 2004-12-21, 00:10:56 Matthew Flatt wrote: =======

>At Mon, 20 Dec 2004 16:03:19 +0800, "Zhu Chongkai" wrote:
>>   (define (pre-installer directory-path)
>>     (pre-install (find-system-path 'home-dir)
>>                  directory-path
>>                  "ml.c"
>>                  directory-path
>>                  '()
>>                  '("libML")
>Leave off the "lib" prefix in "libML".
>I've fixed the docs to clarify, but I have to admit that leaving off
>"lib" seems like a strange protocol, even to me (and I wrote this
>> Under Windows, the procedure returns with no error but no dll
>> file was made.
>Just to double-check, nothing was put in compiled/native/win32/i386/?
>Setup PLT prints the compiler and linker commands that it uses. Do you
>get an error (or DLL) by running those commands directly?

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