[plt-scheme] Interacting w/ MzScheme
Quoth Robert Bruce Findler:
> > On Dec 10, Don Blaheta wrote:
> > > if I want to read my students' files, or (heaven forbid) process
> > > them automatically, I have to actually open up DrScheme. I can't
> > > write a mzscheme script because the editor% class is
> > > drscheme-only,
> Yes. As Eli is pointing out, this is just patently false. You want
> mred, which is also a standalone interpreter, just with gui libraries
> linked in.
I'm not sure about "just patently false", but my information was
incomplete: while *in general* I can get editor<%> and text% from mred
(mred -z if I want it at the command line), the way novel snips are
added is such that DrScheme can get them without mred getting them---
as is the case with the ProfessorJ widgets (java-interactions-box% in
particular). It's been a few months since I played with it, so I didn't
remember all the steps in the argument, but the consensus was that this
was something wrong with how MrEd was loading the ProfJ libraries. So
at least in some cases, some of the snips are drscheme-only.
> > > and I can't write a script in some other language because there is
> > > no documentation of the format. This is annoying when major
> > > corporations do it, and it's not really any less annoying here.
And this is not false at all, patently or otherwise. You've admitted
yourself that the format is not documented. If it were, I bet I could
reverse-engineer the java-interactions-box% format without too much
-=-Don Blaheta-=-dblaheta at knox.edu-=-=-<http://faculty.knox.edu/dblaheta/>-=-
"UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because
that would also stop you from doing clever things." --Doug Gwyn