[plt-scheme] uncertified context error
Can someone explain this error, and how to avoid it? Thanks -- David
$ cat host-url.ss
(module host-url mzscheme
(provide host-url)
(require (lib "url.ss" "net"))
(define host-url (string->url "http://riverbot.com/")))
$ mzc host-url.ss
MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 299.24, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.
[?,?]: Error: Error during elaboration: compile: access from an uncertified
context to unexported variable from module:
|,/local/riverbot/local/plt/collects/net/url| at:
provide/contract-contract-id-string->url in:
Errors encountered. Compilation aborted.