[plt-scheme] Scheme UK Meeting: 2 September 2004

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Aug 26 09:14:45 EDT 2004

Apologies if you see multiple postings; they don't seem to
be getting through.

          Scheme UK Meeting: 2 September 2004

   NB: The meeting is on Thursday, not Wednesday

The next meeting of the Scheme UK user's group will be
held on Thursday, 2 September 2004 from 7pm till we
leave for the pub.  The meeting will take place at the
offices of LShift (see
http://www.lshift.net/contact.html for directions).
This meeting will be held in conjuction with UK

The (soon to be announced) Scheme Cookbook is an effort
to produce practical documentation for Scheme,
presently online but with an eye to future
publication. Noel Welsh will discuss the implementation
of the Cookbook, the goals and some of the thorny
issues such as the currently contentious licence.


Scheme UK is a UK based group of people interested in the
Scheme programming language in particular, and advanced
programming languages in general.  We are interested in
both practical and theoretic aspects.  We meet on the
first Wednesday of each month.  Newcomers are welcome.

For more details see:


Email: noelwelsh <at> yahoo <dot> com
AIM: noelhwelsh

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