[plt-scheme] Nested structures and inspectors
I was wondering how I can share inspectors (don't know if that's even
the right way to say it) between a parent structure and a nested child
structure. I want to serialize my structure into a file (network
socket), and deserialize it on the other side (using something like
match-lambda). If I use the same inspector for child and parent, the
parent cannot see the child's members. If I derive the child inspector
from the parent, it doesn't work either.
Basically to illustrate, this is roughly what I do:
(define myinsp (make-inspector))
(define-struct foo (a b c d) myinsp)
(define-struct bar (e f g h) (make-inspector myinsp))
;;;;; I also tried this: (define-struct bar (e f g h) myinsp)
(define foobar (make-foo 'a 'b 'c (make-bar 'e 'f 'g 'h)))
(struct->vector foobar)
Now what I expected was to see the actual vector with all the nested
structure info expanded, i.e.
#5(struct:foo a b c #5(struct:bar e f g h))
However, what I got is this:
#5(struct:foo a b c #<struct:bar>)
Does anyone have any suggestions how to accomplish what I need? I guess
my problem is that I do not understand how inspectors work and interact.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Actually I am doing this through swig (I hacked support for native
scheme structure conversion from C structs, although somewhat limited)
through the C interface, but I try the approach through regular mzscheme
first to make sure it works.