[plt-scheme] Error reporting and batch compilation (was: fluid-let-syntax may get flushed)
--- "Richard C. Cobbe" <cobbe at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Lo, on Friday, August 13, Matthias Felleisen did write:
> > [...]
> > Tools like SchemeUnit would definitely benefit from an extreme
> > model-view separation especially if you can implement both a
> > textual and a gui interface and then post the three components
> > on PLaneT.
> This model-view separation exists (although one might argue that
> it's somewhat primitive), it's just that the text interface isn't
> very good.
Yes, you can build a test suite using the same set of tools and then
choose one of two ways of executing it, viewing the results, etc.
> > P.S. I'd actually think that the GUI interface would become a
> > tool one day.
> It is; Ryan wrote it. It broke N versions of DrScheme ago, though,
> and Ryan hasn't had a chance to fix it yet. I don't think he has
> any plans to fix it, either, since I gather he wasn't able to get
> all the necessary support from DrScheme. In particular, IIRC, the
> break button doesn't help when a test case diverges. But you'll
> need to ask him for details.
Slight clarification:
There is a graphical test window that runs at application-level. Your
program requires a library and programmatically creates a window, and
you click buttons to execute tests.
On top of that, I built a DrScheme tool that basically just creats
that window automatically (when Test is clicked). The tool also hooks
into a few DrScheme facilities like backtraces and source
highlighting. But I never got the "run in DrScheme thread/eventspace"
vs "run in user thread/eventspace" part right, which leads to the
problem with the Break button and others that Robby showed me.
Last I checked, the simple graphical window worked just fine. The
tool has been broken for a while, and probably won't be fixed soon.
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