[plt-scheme] Stepper doesn't run?
I have reformulated your student's program with textual test cases:
(define-struct planeticket (start end price))
(define alop1 (list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'DC 1000)
(make-planeticket 'SF 'DC 5000)))
; (define (check-list alop start end)
; (filter (lambda (x) (and (symbol=? start (planeticket-price x))
; (symbol=? end (planeticket-end x))))
; alop))
(define (cross list1 list2)
(map (lambda (y) (map (lambda (x) (list y x)) list2)) list1))
(define (last list)
[(empty? (rest list)) (first list)]
[else (last (rest list))]))
;;find one that matches start
(define (findmatch place alop)
(filter (lambda (x) (symbol=? place (planeticket-start x))) alop))
;; -----------------------
(findmatch 'LA (list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'DC 5000)))
(list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)))
;; -----------------------
;;want to create a tree, start w/ trips possible starting from place
want to start
;;create all combos of ways to get to end
;;if at end, don't add to list
(define (tree alop end alocombos)
(map (lambda (listoftrips)
[(symbol=? end (planeticket-end (last listoftrips)))
[else ;(cheapest-price ;(kill-infinite
(cross alocombos (findmatch (planeticket-end (last
listoftrips)) alop))]))
;; -----------------------
(tree alop1 'DC (list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)))
(list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'DC 1000)))
;; -----------------------
(define (calculate-price combotrips)
(foldr (lambda (struct tot) (+ (planeticket-price struct) tot)) 0
;; -----------------------
(calculate-price (list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'DC 5000)))
;; -----------------------
; (define (cheapest-price alocombos)
; (map (lambda (combotrips) (calculate-price combotrips)) alocombos))
(define (kill-infinite alocombos)
(filter (lambda (combotrips)
(let ((endoftrip (planeticket-end (last combotrips))))
(andmap (lambda (struct) (symbol=? (planeticket-start
struct) endoftrip)) combotrips)))
;; -----------------------
(kill-infinite (list (list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'LA 5000))
(list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'DC 5000))
(list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'NY 5000))))
(list (make-planeticket 'LA 'DC 800)
(make-planeticket 'DC 'Chicago 1000)
(make-planeticket 'Chicago 'NY 5000))))
;; -----------------------
As you see, the new test cases are now bracketed by lines ;;
My hunch is that the stepper and the embedded test cases don't work
together (yet),
which is why I reformulated them as text.
Stepping now works and I almost immediately got to the "rest" problem
that you mentioned and I saw where it came from.
A couple of notes on your student's program:
(1) functions should come with contracts (types, signatures) and
purpose statements.
(2) unless students are truly familiar with loops (map, filter), I
suggest they should write out their function via recursion and then
step/debug them individually.
Unless you already know about it, I recommend a thorough look at How to
Design Programs (htdp://www.htdp.org).
Come back if you have more questions -- Matthias