[plt-scheme] How to Design Database-Driven Programs?

From: Zhu Chongkai (mathematica at citiz.net)
Date: Mon Apr 5 20:56:44 EDT 2004

>I am afraid that HtUS will be more about programming
>Scheme than designing programs. -- Matthias
>On Apr 3, 2004, at 2:10 PM, Terrence Brannon wrote:
>>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>> I like the HtDP design recipes. They seem fine for simple data.
>> But what about an application that processes (read, writes, 
>> transforms) database data from a complex multi-table database? Can we 
>> have recipes for such complex data?
>> Perhaps the chapter "Interfacing to Databases" in HtUS will address 
>> this one day.

It seems that for years there is no new part of HtUS written. Could you 
please tell more about the progress?

Zhu Chongkai

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