[plt-scheme] Re: Shared resources for servlets
In the interest of answering my own question, I've built the following
implementation of a one-writer many-reader system, using MzScheme
channels. It has the advantage over my original specification, that
once a write request is sent, new readers are blocked until all write
requests can be satisfied.
Now I have many more questions. Is there a much simpler way of doing
this that I'm not seeing? Or do I have the right general idea? Now, of
course, in a real system, I'd have to account for threads dying after
sending requests, which adds another layer of complexity --- the server
thread can't just block when trying to fulfill a request, so are
channels the wrong model for fulfilling requests? And what are those
other waitable things, guards and so forth? Is there a way of
implementing the Erlang model, where messages are always sent between
processes in non-blocking mode?
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