[plt-scheme] MrEd/OpenGL
Here is the initial structure of my code
(require (prefix gl- (lib "sgl.ss" "sgl")))
(define frame (instantiate frame% ("Three Dots") (width 300) (height
(define my-canvas%
(class* canvas% ()
(inherit with-gl-context swap-gl-buffers)
(override on-event)
(define on-event (lambda (event)
(lambda () (draw-points)))
(super-instantiate () )))
(define (draw-init dc)
(gl-clear-color 1 1 1 0)
(gl-color 0 0 0)
(gl-point-size 4)
(gl-matrix-mode 'projection)
(gl-ortho 0 640 0 480 0 1)
(gl-clear 'color-buffer-bit))
(define (draw-points)
(gl-begin 'points)
(gl-vertex 100 50)
(gl-vertex 100 130)
(gl-vertex 150 130)
(instantiate my-canvas% (frame))
(send frame show #t)
Now, I was trying to follow along in Ch.5 of the MrEd Manual, Drawing
Toolbox Overview and I added/modified the following lines
(define a-canvas
(instantiate my-canvas% (frame)
(paint_callback (lambda (a-canvas dc)
(draw-init dc)))))
(define dc (send a-canvas get-gl-context))
I want it to call the initialization whenever the window is exposed,
resized etc. Then ultimately I want to only call the initialization once
and then call as many (gl-begin)(gl-end) routines as I wish. If I combine
(draw-init) and (draw-points) into one (draw-points) everything works fine
but it seems silly to re-initialize everytime an event is handled.
However, when I try to execute I get the error
instantiate: unused initialization arguments: (paint_callback etc. etc for
instantiated my-canvas%
Do I need to somehow inherit initialization arguments when I define my own
canvas? I also tried describing the paint_callback in the
(super-instantiate ()) line for my-canvas, but I get the same error. And
how come I can just type
(send a-canvas with-gl-context draw-init)
When I do that, I seem to get my (draw-points) working fine but I also get
other random garbage/pixels on the screen.