[plt-scheme] 3?'s
Richard Cleis wrote:
> 1) Why does
> (list 'quote 'anything)
> do the same thing as
> (quote 'anything)
The first expression evaluates to
(quote anything)
which the Scheme printer "optimizes" to
That's one of the odder artifacts of the traditional Scheme printer.
If you use the Constructor notation it'll print the first one as
(list 'quote 'anything)
and if you use Quasiquote notation it'll print it as
both of which might be more instructive.
> 2) Why is it so hard to find a definition of PLT?
In computer science, three-letter acronyms have an existence unto
themselves. (-:
> 3) Is that Dr Felleisen that replaced my DrScheme error-bug-icon?