[plt-scheme] Touch can break a distribution?

From: Guillaume Marceau (gmarceau at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 23 18:11:56 EDT 2003

If I update the timestamp on collects/syntax/boundmap.ss (with 'touch'),
my program stops working with a error message about contracts. Then, if I
update the timestamp on syntax/compiled/boundmap.zo, it works again. I
understand mzscheme tries to automatically update the .zo if it is out of
date. Somehow, the compiler fails its updating.

I am trying to modify boundmap.ss the dump some debugging information that
would help me track my current bug.

The .zo was compiled fresh from this morning's cvs version. I haven't
modified it yet.

This is the file "typetest2.ss" being run below:

> (module testtype (lib "cs173-advanced.ss" "cs173"))


gmarceau at canuk collects $ PLTCOLLECTS=~/type-debug/collects:~/src/plt-cvs/collects mred -M errortrace -u type-checker/tests/testtype2.ss
gmarceau at canuk collects $ touch ~/src/plt-cvs/collects/syntax/boundmap.ss
gmarceau at canuk collects $ PLTCOLLECTS=~/type-debug/collects:~/src/plt-cvs/collects mred -M errortrace -u type-checker/tests/testtype2.ss
compile: variable not provided (directly or indirectly and at the expected position) from module:
 |,/home/gmarceau/src/plt-cvs/collects/syntax/boundmap| in: provide/contract-contract29
compile: variable not provided (directly or indirectly and at the expected position) from module:
|,/home/gmarceau/src/plt-cvs/collects/syntax/boundmap| in: provide/contract-contract29

gmarceau at canuk collects $ touch ~/src/plt-cvs/collects/syntax/compiled/boundmap.zo
gmarceau at canuk collects $ PLTCOLLECTS=~/type-debug/collects:~/src/plt-cvs/collects mred -M errortrace -u type-checker/tests/testtype2.ss
gmarceau at canuk collects $

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