[plt-scheme] multiple definition of dll_entry at 12

From: Ron Stanonik (stanonik at Cogsci.ucsd.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 14 13:52:33 EDT 2003


I have the latest DrScheme and Cygwin installed on Windows XP.

I'm trying to compile the example extension,
collects/mzscheme/examples/helloprint.c, but with the printf line uncommented.
During the --ld step I get

  undefined reference to 'puts'

If I add -lc to the -ld step, then I get

  multiple definition of dll_entry at 12

Any hints?

I'm appending a log of the compile and link.


stanonik at cogsci.ucsd.edu

============ log of compile and link ==================
Jim Hollan at surfing /home/plt/collects/mzscheme/examples
$ mzc.exe -v --cc helloprint.c
MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 205, Copyright (c) 1996-2003 PLT
compile-extension: (C:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe -c -O2 -IC:\PROGRA~1\plt\./collects/se
tup/..\..\collects\mzlib\..\..\collects\..\include helloprint.c -o .\helloprint.
 [output to ".\helloprint.obj"]

Jim Hollan at surfing /home/plt/collects/mzscheme/examples
$ mzc.exe -v --ld helloprint.dll helloprint.obj -lc
MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 205, Copyright (c) 1996-2003 PLT
"helloprint.obj" "-lc":
link-extension: (C:\cygwin\bin\ld.exe --dll helloprint.obj -lc C:\PROGRA~1\plt\.
/collects/setup/..\..\collects\mzlib\..\..\collects\..\lib\gcc\mzdyn.exp C:\PROG
\init.o C:\PROGRA~1\plt\./collects/setup/..\..\collects\mzlib\..\..\collects\..\
lib\gcc\fixup.o --base-file c:\DOCUME~1\JIMHOL~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp72.base -e _dl
l_entry at 12 -o helloprint.dll)
init.o(.text+0x0):init.cc: multiple definition of `dll_entry at 12'
/usr/bin/../lib/libc.a(d000773.o)(.text+0x0): first defined here
link-extension: command failed

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