[plt-scheme] sql server + schemeql = bug?
i'd really appreciate someone's help on this one... using sql server 8, ms
windows xp, odbc > 3.0 (3.5....).
if you load the first script in your browser, then the second and then the
first I get an uncaught SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO exception. this exception
has a handler in odbc.ss but the exception being thrown does not return #t
when passed to sr:exn-with-info? predicate. if you look at the printed
reperesentation of the exception it says #<struct:exn-with-info> ... but
for some reason, the predicate still fails...
sounds like some intern'ing issue? or maybe the sequence of calls, and
reloading srpersist in another script/context makes the exceptions no
longer "identical"?
confused, help.
thanks, dan
(module simple2 mzscheme
(require (lib "schemeql.ss" "schemeql"))
(provide interface-version timeout start)
(define interface-version 'v1)
(define timeout 600)
; start : request -> response
(define (start initial-request)
(let ((connection (connect-to-database "sqldb" "dbuser" "dbpass")))
`(html ()
(head ()
(title "simple"))
(body ()
(h1 "simple 2?"))))))
(module simple mzscheme
(require (lib "srpersist.ss" "srpersist"))
(provide interface-version timeout start)
(define interface-version 'v1)
(define timeout 600)
(define (start initial-request)
'(html ()
(head ()
(title () "simple"))
(body ()
(h1 "simple!")))))