[plt-scheme] How to Design Programs Book

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 5 10:42:16 EST 2003

Yeap, that's all I meant. And I think Esquire understood, from what I 
see in his
message to me. Apologies to anyone who thinks I want you to buy a book. 
wouldn't have negotiated an on-line version with my editor if I wanted 
this to
make money. -- Matthias

On Wednesday, November 5, 2003, at 10:22 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi 

>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Folks, let's not argue about this.
> We're not trying to push anyone to buy the book.  Matthias was just
> responding to what many probably saw as a strange assertion, in effect
> that, when you could read the book on-line, why bother owning a paper
> copy at all?
> As someone who finds some documents much better read on a computer --
> and therefore refuses to print them -- and others much better read on
> paper -- and therefore refuses to read them on-line -- it's easy to
> see there's a case to be made both ways.  I suspect most people on
> this list feel the same way, but for different classifications of
> documents.
> Be that as it may, if on-line works best for you, feel free to read
> away in that medium.  No need to apologize for not buying the book.
> But it seems pointless to question those who prefer paper, no?
> Shriram

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