[plt-scheme] inspecting modules
On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 11:52 AM, MicheleSimionato at libero.it
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Is there a command to retrieve the list of variables
> exported by a module? Something working like this:
> (variables-exported-from mymod) => list of symbols
Eli Barzilay recently posted a function that would do this, given a
file containing a module definition. That's different from what you
asked for, but might suffice:
(define (module-walk file)
(let ((s (expand (parameterize ((port-count-lines-enabled #t))
(with-input-from-file file
(lambda () (read-syntax file))))))
(name #f)
(lang #f)
(requires (list 'requires))
(srequires (list 'requires-for-syntax))
(provides (list 'provides))
(variables (list 'bindings))
(syntaxes (list 'syntaxes)))
(define (add-to l1 l2)
(set! l1 (append! l1 (map (lambda (x) x) (syntax->list l2)))))
(define (inspect stxs)
(unless (null? stxs)
(syntax-case (car stxs)
(require require-for-syntax provide define-values
((require . stuff) (add-to requires #'stuff))
((require-for-syntax . stuff) (add-to srequires #'stuff))
((provide . stuff) (add-to provides #'stuff))
((define-values ids _) (add-to variables #'ids))
((define-syntaxes ids _) (add-to syntaxes #'ids))
(_ (error 'module-walk "unknown module expression")))
(inspect (cdr stxs))))
(syntax-case s (module #%plain-module-begin)
((module mname mlang (#%plain-module-begin . mbody))
(begin (set! name #'mname) (set! lang #'mlang)
(inspect (syntax->list #'mbody))))
(_ (error 'module-walk "weird module body")))
(let* ((* (lambda (x)
(list (syntax-object->datum x)
(syntax-source x)
(syntax-position x)
(syntax-line x)
(syntax-column x))))
(** (lambda (l) (cons (car l) (map * (cdr l))))))
(list (* name) (* lang) (** requires) (** srequires) (** provides)
(** variables) (** syntaxes)))))
Actually, looking at this harder, I'm surprised that there's no 'begin'
clause in the 'inspect' loop. I believe this would be needed.