[plt-scheme] Re: Emacs tags for MzScheme modules
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Guillaume Marceau wrote:
> I am also attaching a tag file for plt-205 to this email. It's a wooping 17k!
Fixed a bug, documentation bug, and a stylistic bug, then regenerated the
TAGS file for drscheme v205. The TAGS file now weights in at 91kb.
"The thing I remember most about America is that it's silly.
That can be quite a relief at times." -- Thom Yorke, Radiohead
- Guillaume
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exec mzscheme -r "$0" "$@"
Generates an TAGS file suitable for Emacs consumption, from the plt-scheme
files given on the command line. For example, the following is a useful thing:
cd plt/collects; find -name \*.ss | xargs etags.ss
This will create a file called 'plt/collects/TAGS'. Boot Emacs and hit 'M-.'
Emacs will ask you for the location of the TAGS file (as above) and a name.
It will then jump to its to the file and the line where that name is defined.
Written by Guillaume Marceau (gmarceau at cs.brown.edu) -- Sun Nov 2 2003
(require (lib "errortrace.ss" "errortrace")
(lib "list.ss")
(lib "etc.ss")
(lib "file.ss")
(lib "string.ss"))
(define (string-chop str)
(substring str 0 (- (string-length str) 1)))
(define (hash-table-mem? hash item)
(let/ec k (begin (hash-table-get hash item (lambda () (k false))) true)))
(define (hash-table-gad! hash key val-fn)
(if (not (hash-table-mem? hash key))
(begin (let ((v (val-fn)))
(hash-table-put! hash key v)
(hash-table-get hash key)))
(define (string-prefix str len)
(substring str 0 (min (string-length str) len)))
(define (id-to-tag-line id port)
(if (or (not (syntax-source id))
(not (syntax-position id)))
(let* ([name-sym (syntax-e id)]
[s (syntax-source id)]
[line (syntax-line id)]
[p (syntax-position id)]
[lead-in (open-output-string)])
(let loop ([p p])
(file-position port p)
(when (and (> p 0)
(not (eq? (read-char port) #\newline)))
(loop (- p 1))))
(let* ([matched (regexp-match
(regexp (format "^[^\n]*~a[ \t\n]"
(symbol->string name-sym))))
port 0 false lead-in)])
(if (not matched) (string-prefix (get-output-string lead-in) 22)
(string-append (get-output-string lead-in)
(string-chop (first matched))))
name-sym line p)))))
(define (find-defs-in-stx stx)
(let loop ([substx (expand stx)])
(syntax-case substx (define-values define-syntaxes)
[(define-values names-pt body ...) (syntax->list #'names-pt)]
[(define-syntaxes names-pt body ...) (syntax->list #'names-pt)]
[(i ...)
(apply append (map loop (syntax->list (syntax (i ...)))))]
[_ empty])))
(define (for-each-tle-in-file fn target-file)
(lambda (exn) (display (format "Error while processing ~a:\n~a\n\n"
target-file (exn-message exn)))
(parameterize ([port-count-lines-enabled true]
[read-case-sensitive true]
(path-only (normalize-path target-file))])
(let ([port (open-input-file target-file)])
(let loop ([stx (read-syntax target-file port)])
(unless (eof-object? stx)
(fn (expand stx))
(loop (read-syntax target-file port))))
(close-input-port port))))))
(define (process-file target-file output-file)
(let ([ids empty])
(lambda (stx) (set! ids (append ids (find-defs-in-stx stx))))
(let* ([target-file-port (open-input-file target-file)]
[lines (map (lambda (i) (id-to-tag-line i target-file-port)) ids)]
[section (apply string-append lines)])
(display (format "\n~a,~a\n~a"
target-file (string-length section) section)
(close-input-port target-file-port))))
([exn:break? (lambda (exn) (void))])
(let ([target-tag-file (open-output-file "TAGS" 'replace)])
(lambda (f) (process-file f target-tag-file))
(vector->list argv))
(close-output-port target-tag-file)))
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