[plt-scheme] transparent background in an editor-canvas%
At Mon, 12 May 2003 14:33:43 +0200 (CEST), Berticolas Copimasso wrote:
> we are on version 203 under win 2k and we'd like to
> have a transparent background in an editor-canvas% we
> have wrote :
> (define ec (instantiate editor-canvas% () (parent
> frame)))
> (define dc (send ec get-dc))
> (define txt (instantiate text%))
> (send dc set-background (make-object color%
> "transparent"))
> (send dc set-text-foreground (make-object color%
> "BLUE"))
> (send ec set-editor txt)
> and the text is black on a white background.
Short answer: I don't think it will work.
Long answer:
In this example, the text background is transparent with respect to the
canvas, but the canvas is white. ("Transparent" is not a color name, so
the result is white.)
There's currently no way to create a transparent canvas. If you want
the canvas background to look the same as a panel, you can override the
canvas's `on-paint' method and fill in the canvas with a 'panel brush.
Well, then you also have to do the ame for the text%. And even so, you
end up with the canvas border. Also, under OS X at least, there's an
alignment problem with the panel pattern.
Below is my best attempt, in any case. If there were a way to remove
the border around an editor-canvas% (and I've been planning something
along those lines), it would be closer. I'm not sure about the OS X
pattern-alignment problem.
(define panel-brush (make-object brush% "white" 'panel))
(define (fill-as-panel dc)
(let ([old-b (send dc get-brush)])
(send dc set-brush panel-brush)
(send dc draw-rectangle -1 -1 32000 32000)
(send dc set-brush old-b)))
(define transparent-looking-editor-canvas%
(class editor-canvas%
(rename [super-on-paint on-paint])
(inherit get-dc)
(define/override (on-paint)
(fill-as-panel (get-dc))
(super-instantiate ())))
(define transparent-looking-editor-canvas%
(class editor-canvas%
(rename [super-on-paint on-paint])
(inherit get-dc)
(define/override (on-paint)
(fill-as-panel (get-dc))
(super-instantiate ())))
(define transparent-looking-text%
(class text%
(rename [super-on-paint on-paint])
(inherit get-dc)
(define/override (on-paint before? dc . rest)
(when before?
(fill-as-panel dc))
(super-on-paint before? dc . rest))
(super-instantiate ())))
(define frame (make-object frame% "Example"))
(define ec
(instantiate transparent-looking-editor-canvas% ()
(parent frame)))
(define dc (send ec get-dc))
(define txt (instantiate transparent-looking-text% ()))
(send ec set-editor txt)
(send frame show #t)