[plt-scheme] [dfelgar: Web-server question: how to maintain session across a hyperlink]

From: Paul T. Graunke (ptg at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue May 6 15:00:34 EDT 2003

> Come to think of it, I can append key=value arguments to the url
> argument passed in to the argument to send/suspend to create
> hyperlinks some of the hyperlinks I want to reproduce.  However I'd
> also like to add "path" information as well to urls as well.

Can you stick the path information in a argument?  I.e.

> So is there a procedure for altering send/suspend-style urls to add a
> path? 

No, but you can use url.ss in the net collection to write one (assuming
you must use the path part of the URL).  

> Update-params from web-server-unit.ss may be what I want,
> though I notice this is not exported.

Nope.  That updates the parameters, not the path.


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