[plt-scheme] test:get-active-frame Problem
When trying to run the frame fact example in section 3.3.1 of the PLT Framework: GUI Application Framework manual I am receiving an error message: reference to undefined identifier: test:get-active-frame. I have the (require (lib "framework.ss" "framework"))statement, in fact if I remove that statement I then fail on the test:new-window statement, so it appears the require is functioning correctly.. I have looked at test.ss and it appears to me that the get-active-frame define is in there and should be OK (but I am a newbie to DrScheme so that may mean little). I have searched the list archive with no hits.
Here is my code:
(require (lib "framework.ss" "framework"))
(define go
(lambda ()
(sleep 3)
(test:new-window (get-panel '(0 0 0 1))) ; definitions canvas
(test:menu-select "Edit" "Select All")
(test:menu-select "Edit" "Delete")
(type-line "(define fact")
(type-line "(lambda (n)")
(type-line "(if (zero? n)")
(type-line "1")
(type-line "(* n (fact (sub1 n))))))")
(test:button-push (get-panel '(0 0 0 0 5 0))) ; check-syntax button
(test:button-push (get-panel '(0 0 0 0 5 3))) ; execute button
(sleep 3)
(type-line "(fact 4)")
(sleep 1)
(printf "Test complete. Pending actions: ~s~n"
(define type-line
(lambda (str)
(for-each test:keystroke (string->list str))
(test:keystroke #\return)))
(define get-panel
(lambda (path)
(let loop ([path path]
[panel (send (test:get-active-frame) get-top-panel)])
(if (null? path)
(loop (cdr path)
(list-ref (ivar panel children) (car path)))))))
I am running language Pretty Big (includes MrEd and Advanced) at version 203.
Any help would be appreciated.
Shawn Legrand
Carpe Noctem! Carpe Diem! Hieros Gamos!
splegrand at yahoo.com
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