[plt-scheme] availability of RPM for RH 8.0 and DrScheme 203
Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> Please note the meaning of what I said: binary RPM is needed because
> Linux, especially RH, is gaining popularity. If you manage to do
RH here is losing market share, AFAICT. Any binary RPM provided should
be a LSB RPM at first, probably. Anyone got a list of what they install
cleanly on?
Anyway, if binary GNU/Linux platforms are going to be added, could a
page detailing how to install the debs be created too, please? Thanks.
(Fire up a package manager such as dselect, aptitude, synaptic, and
install mzscheme or drscheme... at a push, apt-get install drscheme).
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