[plt-scheme] Something like $_ in Perl
So, predicate functions are often called in the test portion of a cond
clause. Predicate functions often return a "useful" value instead of just
#t. The problem I see is that when you call a useful-value-returning
predicate directly in the test portion of a cond clause, you cannot use
this returned value in the <expression> section associated with the test.
Take this template for example:
((member needle haystack metal-detector)
((find fish ocean :key species)
It is natural to place the calls to the predicate functions directly in
the test slots. However, to use the results of member or find, I must
either re-evaluate the expressions in the ... or save the value outside of
the cond via let.
In these situations, I admire and miss the $_ variable in Perl. It would
be nice if the value of <test> in a cond were bound to some variable in
the <expression> portion, such as $_ for example.
The template shown above is simple, and the let-ified version is not a
nightmare to look at. But I sometimes have cond's with many branches, and
complicated predicates, and having a huge set of let bindings preceding
the cond, spacially separates things in a weird, and in my opinion,
arbitrary way. (the previous comment should probably be qualified with a
hairy example... feel free to not understand it).
I don't have much experience with macros, but I imagine that a special
version of cond could be made to do what I am thinking about. But, this
sort of thing isn't in the standard and isn't mentioned in many places, so
I wonder if (the-right-thing? $_) -> #f.
Are my instincts not of the Lambda way? Are my urges impure?
The Puzzled Grasshopper