[plt-scheme] Grid control...

From: Rian Douglas (riandouglas at hotPOP.com)
Date: Thu Jul 31 13:12:29 EDT 2003

Thanks for the response Doug, but I dont think I was using the correct 
term for what I'm after.  I'm after a multi column list box, with a 
header for each column, and each column being resizable etc.  Something 
along the lines of the wxListCtrl in report view mode.  Is there some 
way of using the existing list-box% in this fashion, has the listctrl 
(or the the wxlistview) widgets been implmented in mred, or should I 
begin doing so myself.  If there is no current solution, I'm going to 
attempt to implement wxListCtrl/wxListView in mred, and would appreciate 
any pointers as to where to start (I'm just kind of copying the 
wxListBox at the moment, with no real direction).

Thanks in advance

Rian Douglas

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