[plt-scheme] Re: non-blocking keyboard input inside customized repl
Thanks for the help, Eli. I've modified the code a bit and I'm
including it below in the event someone else is looking for this on
Linux. As I'm not a scheme guru, any suggestions for improvement are
(define tty-path (delay (find-executable-path "tty" #f) ) )
(define stty-path (delay (find-executable-path "stty" #f) ) )
(define isatty?
(delay (let*-values
(((p pout pin perr)
(current-output-port) (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
(force tty-path) "-s")))
(subprocess-wait p)
(zero? (subprocess-status p)))))
(define (stty . args)
(((p pout pin perr)
(apply subprocess #f (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
(force stty-path) args)))
(begin0 (read-line pout) (subprocess-wait p))))
(define (read-char-immediate)
(unless (force isatty?) (error "Not running with a tty."))
(let ( (ch #\newline) (tty-settings (stty "-g")) )
(stty "-icanon" "-echo" "min" "1" "time" "0")
(let ((ch (read-char) ))
(stty tty-settings)
ch ) ) )