[plt-scheme] Memory leaks in web-server?
I have done some tests with the web-server, and it seems it is leaking
memory rather fast.
I have downloaded a http-stress-test-tool called siege, to give the
web-server a run.
I do:
siege -u http://localhost/servlets/examples/add.ss -c 50
to emulate 50 concurrent users on the enclosed servlet example.
The good ting first; the server is Really fast before it starts to leak!
... but after a while it gets really slow, and after some time the only
solution is to kill the server.
I have tried to let server be for a while (24 hours) to see if it starts to
release memory after a while, but it does not seem like this is the case.
I know that the example is supposed to be a reslult of two computed values,
but I find it a problem if the server does not handle cases where users does
not follow the selected web-path (the never do - do they?!).
It does as well leak memory (while slower) when i do the count.ss example,
which is a single web-side.
Any clues about this one?
I am using latest version of mzscheme on a Suse-Linux.
Have anyone been using this web-server for a serious thing (serious eq with
some real load)?
Petter Egesund
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