[plt-scheme] Re: Useful Emacs code when working with PLT Scheme

From: Bill Clementson (bill_clementson at yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Dec 8 00:48:46 EST 2003

--- Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> On Dec  7, Bill Clementson wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm, I haven't had any bites yet on my original
> post,
> > so I'll suggest another useful snippet of Emacs
> code. 
> > 
> > This code comments out an s-expression using
> > multi-line comments (e.g. -- #|...|#).
> This is now not needed with the "#;" syntax.

Although it is true that the "#;" syntax does the same
thing as "#|...|#" (but without a closing comment
delimiter), the insert-balanced-comment function
allows you to comment out an enclosing s-expression
without moving to the start of the s-expression (or
comment out a higher-level enclosing s-expression with
a prefix arg or a repeat of the command). If one
prefered the "#;" syntax over the "#|...|#" syntax,
the function could be easily modified to use that
instead. A minor issue if one chose to do this would
be that they would have to add a font-lock regexp to
cater for "#;" style comments. 

> > Anybody else have any useful Emacs code snippets?
> > Gosh, it gets a bit embarassing when I have to
> reply
> > to my own posts ;-)
> Well, I have lots of Emacs code snippets (about 10K
> lines of them),
> but most of them cannot classify as Scheme (or PLT)
> specific.

Are there any snippets that are Scheme (or PLT)
specific that you would like to share? I am always on
the lookout for things that make my life easier. :-)
Incidentally, I thought that your electric-not.el code
was very time-saving; however, I am most interested in
Scheme-specific code snippets.

Bill Clementson

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