[plt-scheme] Re: HTDP: So you thought us empty? and empty
Good for you. Good programmers stand up for their rights, and one of
them is tail-recursion. It's the only way to match your program's
structure to the structure of the data. Everything else is buggy over
the long run. -- Matthias
On Saturday, December 6, 2003, at 08:02 PM, Guenther Schmidt wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Dear Matthias,
> apologies for *firing* this off.
> I'm switching back and forth between PLT Scheme and Lispworks (CL) and
> just to make it up to you I'll show you what I just *fired* at Xanalys
> five minutes before:
> Hi,
> I heard that one of the differences between Scheme and CL is that
> Scheme is "proper tail recursive" and CL isn't. Until today I'm not
> 100% what that could mean but I think I'm seeing an effect of it here.
> (defun my-make-list (n)
> (cond
> ((< n 1) nil)
> (t (cons nil (my-make-list (- n 1))))))
> If I run this on Lispworks with let's say merely n=200 I get a stack
> overflow, if I run it in Scheme with +100000 I just have to wait a
> little, but no stack overflow.
> What I really do like about CL and Scheme is the excessive use of
> recursion, and the parenthesis too.
> Does this mean I need to switch back to iteration when dealing with
> lists of over 200 elements in CL?
> Setting the *stack-size* to a higher level?
> If so ............. STUFF THAT!!!
> Guenther
> Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> For list-related administrative tasks:
>> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>> Use Pretty Big for now. -- Matthias
>> On Saturday, December 6, 2003, at 07:20 PM, Guenther Schmidt wrote:
>>> For list-related administrative tasks:
>>> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>>> ..... in HTDP.
>>> But as soon as one switches to MrED it turns out that's not even
>>> part of the standard.
>>> What exactly was the point of teaching us empty? and empty ?
>>> I mean I'm sure that I will find a function that is the equivalent
>>> of the above because there just has to be, but what was the point?
>>> Best regards
>>> Guenther
>>> BTW I figure it is "null"