[plt-scheme] Getting at a module's namespace

From: Robert Bruce Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 23 08:28:19 EDT 2003

You cannot do something like that, but as a development aid, you can 
use the module language in DrScheme. When you click execute, the REPL 
that you get back has all of the definitions of the modules in it. You 
cannot switch modules, tho, without clicking execute again.


On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 07:25  AM, Ed Cavazos wrote:

>   For list-related administrative tasks:
>   http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> From what I gather of Scheme48's modules, it's possible to operate
> inside the namespace of one from the REPL:
>        http://www.s48.org/0.57/manual/s48manual_32.html
> Is there any way to require a module, and then evaluate expressions
> inside it's namespace? "src/module.c" says that modules are basically
> implemented as namespaces, so if I could get at the namespaces that
> corresponds to an invoked module, I could just do something like:
> 	    (require (lib "foo.scm" "foomod"))
> 	    (eval '(set! *blah* 10) (module-namespace foo))
> or even:
>             (eval '(read-eval-print-loop) (module-namespace foo))
> To interact with a namespace.
> I think this is the "right thing" in my situation, but considered it
> unholy till I saw Rees and Kelsey doin it. ;-)
> Ed

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