[plt-scheme] Mail servers

From: Katsmall the Wise (kela_bit at netvision.net.il)
Date: Sat Apr 12 05:27:51 EDT 2003

sendmail only available under Unix
Unix doesn't work on my machine...

Katsmall the Wise

Noel Welsh wrote:

>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>--- Katsmall the Wise <kela_bit at netvision.net.il>
>>I am interested...
>>I am still quite unsure about what to use and how.
>This is what I do to send email:
>(require (lib "sendmail.ss" "net")
>         (lib "head.ss" "net")
>         (lib "list.ss"))
>(define server "")
>(define subject "Blah blah blah")
>(define recipients (list "noelwelsh at yahoo.com"))
>(define sender "noelwelsh at yahoo.com")
>(define header 
>  (insert-field "From"
>                sender
>                (foldl (lambda (field header)
>                         (insert-field "To" field
>                       empty-header
>                       recipients)))
>(define message
>  (list "Test message"))
>(send-mail-message sender subject recipients '() '()
>Email: noelwelsh <at> yahoo <dot> com
>Jabber: noelw <at> jabber <dot> org
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more
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