[plt-scheme] Stepper problems
Hi all,
One of my students wrote this contains-waterpistol? program:
(define (indeholder-vandpistol? l)
[(empty? l) false]
[(symbol=? (first l) 'vandpistol) true]
[else (indeholder-vandpistol? (rest l))])]))
(indeholder-vandpistol? (cons 'bold (cons 'vandpistol empty)))
When executed it returns true.
I told him, as I told the others, to try it in the stepper, but for
some reason the stepper never starts. The garbage collector
kicks in and eventually I have to kill DrScheme.
The other programs ran fine (I think they used (cons? l) instead
of else in the first conditional), so I'm wondering whether
it is a bug in the stepper, or just something simple, I overlooked.
The behaviour is consistent across win98/winXP/Linux, version 201.
Jens Axel Søgaard