[plt-scheme] order of instantiation
I am attempting to write a function that adds panel to a frame. This panel
must contain a message% and a button%. The button% callback must refer to
the message%. When I wrote the function initilally I had:
(deine (func frame)
(let ([panel (instantiate ... (parent frame) ...)]
[message (instantiate ... (parent panel) ...)])
(instantiate button% ...)))
I then realize that it is much better to have the button be to the left
of the message. This seems to be alot more difficult as I need to instantiate
the button first inorder to do this. However when I do this I cannot reference
the (then undefined) message%. I wrote a version using letrec but it is not
working as the callback (defined after the button in the letrec) is
undefined. Anyone know how I can get around this?