[plt-scheme] module import for ssax
From: dvanhorn at emba.uvm.edu [mailto:dvanhorn at emba.uvm.edu]
>If you're using the SSAX port from http://www.neilvandyke.org/ssax-plt/
>SXML-tree-trans.scm can easily be turned into a module.
>(require (lib "sxml-tree-trans.ss" "ssax"))
>should provide the SRV:send-reply procedure.
Thanks for your advice, apparently this seems to be more complicated. The
file I need is SXML-to-HTML-ext.scm which in turn relies on SXML-to-HTML.scm
which 'includes SXML-tree-trans.scm. Each of them require/include myenv.ss,
defmacro.ss, utils.ss (and maybe others like include.ss) at some point. I've
tried to wrap the three SXML files as modules and chain them together but I
haven't been able to figure out the dependencies.
Probably best to take Kirill Lisovsky's advice and turn to the SSAX mailing
best regards, Gunnar
Gunnar Arnason
gunnarja at strik.is