[plt-scheme] macro differences in REPL vs. in a module?
> > The full example is rather long, but complains:
> > compile: bad syntax; function application is not allowed, because no
> #%app
> > syntax transformer is bound in: ...
> After giving it some thought, I don't have any good guesses.
I have managed to fix my macro, but also to formulate a far more consise
example of this problem (given below). In the following example, if I
"inline" the helper in my macro, everything behaves correctly. But in the
case below, I get the following error when my macro is used within a module:
a.ss:8:5: compile: bad syntax; function application is not allowed, because
no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: (cons 1 2)
As before, when this macro is used in the REPL in DrScheme, the macro
"works". In this case, the macro is expanded, and the result is evaluated to
(1 . 2) as one would expect.
The trick to fixing my complte define-struct/prop macro was to move the
"helper" code into the body of my syntax case macro.
In principle, I could, sort of, understand that there is a problem with
referencing a binding of cons in an instantiation of mzscheme in a different
phase, and feeding this syntax object back to the value-time environment of
module c. But why does it "work" in the REPL, if that is the case?
; c.ss
(module c mzscheme
(require "b.ss")
(my-cons 1 2))
; b.ss
(module b mzscheme
(provide my-cons)
(require-for-syntax "a.ss")
(define-syntax (my-cons stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ a b)
(helper #`a #`b)))))
; a.ss
(module a mzscheme
(provide helper)
(define (helper first rest)
#`(cons #,first #,rest)))
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