[plt-scheme] Creating Executable
> You can use things like `read' or the teachpacks for getting input from
> the user, if you'd like.
I'm really having a problem at reading user input sometimes, and
also, printing if it is not ended by ~n.
For example:
(define-struct tran (val type date comment))
(define read-tran
(lambda ()
(let ((val "")
(comment "")
(type 0))
(printf "Creation of new Transaction~n")
(printf "Amount: ")
(set! val (read))
(set! type (get-type))
(printf "Comment: ")
(clean-input-buf (current-input-port))
(set! comment (read-line))
(make-new-tran val type
(define get-type
(lambda ()
(printf "Type: ")
;Prints possible types of transaction for user
(define print-type-options
(lambda ()
(printf "Type Options:~n")
(printf "\t~a - Debit~n" *DEB*)
(printf "\t~a - Credit~n" *CRED*)))
;to remove anything from input-buffer kind of flush(stdin) or
;something like that
(define clean-input-buf
(lambda (buf)
(if (char-ready? buf)
(clean-input-buf buf)))))
If I make a (read-tran) it won't receive the comment. :(
> (read-tran)
Creation of new Transaction
Amount: 1243
Type Options:
1 - Debit
2 - Credit
Type: 2
#(struct:tran 1243 2 #(struct:date 13 41 17 7 9 2002 6 249 #t 0)
Any ideas?
Another things happens only if I make it an executable. When I
(printf "Input option: ")
The read will be done before the printf. How can I flush(stdout)?
Best regards,
> Robby
Paulo J. Matos : pocm(_at_)mega.ist.utl.pt
Instituto Superior Tecnico - Lisbon
Software & Computer Engineering - A.I.
- > http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~pocm
Yes, God had a deadline...
So, He wrote it all in Lisp!