[plt-scheme] Using teachpacks with Mzscheme
On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 11:00 AM, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> I was wondering if there was a way to use the teachpacks within
> mzscheme.
> I have tried putting this at the top of my file:
> (require (lib "mred.ss" "mred"))
> (require (lib "draw.ss" "htdp"))
> Welcome to MzScheme version 202, Copyright (c) 1995-2002 PLT
> > dynamic-require: unknown module: #%mred-kernel
> > reference to uninitialized module identifier: cursor% in module:
> |,/usr/local/lib/plt-202/collects/mred/private/kernel|
> >
> I am obviously doing something wrong and am busy with the mzscheme
> manual, but any help would be appreciated.
Well, your first problem is that the draw.ss teachpack uses graphical
primitives to draw to the screen. MzScheme as you're running it
explicitly excludes all graphical primitives. For this, you'll need at
a minimum to be running MrEd. Then, you'll start running into other
problems. Really, it appears to me that the simplest solution is just
to use DrScheme.