[plt-scheme] Implementing Rabin-Miller
On Oct 15, John Clements wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 04:09 PM, Paulo Jorge O. C. Matos
> wrote:
> > (1) Choose a random number, a, such that a is less than p.
> > (2) Set j = 0 and set z = am mod p.
> > (3) If z = 1, or if z = p - 1, then p passes the test and may be
> > prime. (4) If j > 0 and z = 1, then p is not prime.
> > (5) Set j = j + 1. If j < b and z ? p - 1, set z = z2 mod p and go
> > back to step (4). If z = p - 1, then p passes the test and may be
> > prime.
> > (6) If j = b and z ? p - 1, then p is not prime.
> >
> This looks like a terrible specification of an algorithm. Rewrite it
> like this:
> [...]
> Due to a dreadful spec, I may be off in the boundary condition for
> j. Frankly, it might be easier to read in scheme:
I disagree with that "might" in the last sentence -- I think that it
is very definitely easier. This is the same story over and over
again: I keep finding people who didn't learn to be proper programmers
and then describe algorithms using some semi-imperative, mostly vague
descriptions. This is just like so many situations where a simple
algorithm is turned inside-out, statements shuffled around, just so
the whole thing can be implemented with "dynamic programming" -- when
the original plain algorithm is so much clearer with a simple
memoization slapped on. I see this continuously in my wife's work:
she just has to describe the simple *memoized* algorithm using
*dynamic programming*, the latter gets the "Oooh!" effect while the
former is mostly unknown at best (usually disregarded as a typo).
There are also the theory guys -- people who will teach you the
insides of the concepts of computations using Turing Machines -- all
with diagrams that get more and more exotic with little arrows for
"yes" and "no" results, and crappy descriptions of connecting N
machines in parallel with "and" and "or" switches. When they get
someone who shows them that the whole thing can be explained much
better (in almost every metric -- short, precise, simple), then they
might get impressed for a microsecond but eventually file the incident
under a "software engineering issue".
For the sake of being on-topic, just so it doesn't look like good
programmers try to avoid gotos: it is possible. For example, the
piece of syntax below makes this work --
> (let ((x #f))
(set! x 0)
(goto start:)
(set! x 99)
(goto (if (even? x) even: odd:))
(printf "even: ")
(printf ">>> ~s\n" x)
(set! x (add1 x))
(when (> x 10) (goto end:))
(goto start:)
even: >>> 0
>>> 1
even: >>> 2
>>> 3
even: >>> 4
>>> 5
even: >>> 6
>>> 7
even: >>> 8
>>> 9
even: >>> 10
The code looks complex but it's quite simple. The only value I
personally see in it is to study how it manages the labels and gotos.
Otherwise, it is a bad idea. Anyway, here it is:
(define-syntax (with-gotos stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ body ...)
(let loop ((code (syntax->list #'(body ...))) (blocks '()) (current #f))
((null? code)
(let* ((goto (datum->syntax-object stx 'goto stx))
(let loop ((bs (if current (cons current blocks) blocks))
(next #f)
(r '()))
(if (null? bs)
(let ((b (reverse
(if next
(cons #`(#,goto #,next) (car bs)) (car bs)))))
(loop (cdr bs) (car b)
(cons (if (null? (cdr b)) (list (car b) #'#f) b)
#`((let/cc #,goto
(letrec #,(map (lambda (block)
#`(#,(car block) (lambda () #,@(cdr block))))
#,(caar blocks))))))
((identifier? (car code))
(loop (cdr code)
(if current (cons current blocks))
(list (car code))))
(loop (cdr code)
(if current
(cons (car code) current)
(list (car code) (car (generate-temporaries
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!