[plt-scheme] mzc and C++ and Cygwin

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 3 17:45:21 EST 2002

I've re-acquianted myself with the mzc code to drive Cygwin, and I see
why "--linker g++" wasn't even close.

Last time I used Cygwin, the protocol for creating relocatable DLLs was
complicated: run the linker, run dlltool, repeat both, link one more
time. Has this gotten better in more recent releases? Maybe going
through gcc/g++ simplifies the process, now?

I'm happy to accept improvements to plt/collects/dynext/link-unit.ss.
In CVS, I've even re-organized the code and added comments to make
improvements easier.


At Tue, 3 Dec 2002 22:21:28 +0100, jblazi wrote:
> After trying hard, I now see that it is not easy, to use mzc for extending 
> mzscheme with a C++ file. It seems to be virtually impossible at the moment.
> The problem is that on Cygwin you have to use g++ for linking and mzc does not 
> (and it does not use gcc either, but calls ld directly.
> It is a pity but I cannot change it. Probably, there are very few people who 
> want to use Plt-scheme this way and it would not pay to change this.
> -- 
> Janos Blazi

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