[plt-scheme] Dybvig's record-case better error message
Hi everone,
I read Dybvig's dissertation "Three Implemention Models of Scheme" from
and wanted to try the interpreters. For that purpose I wrote this
macro for record-case (I don't know whether it is the same as the one
in Chez Scheme), which dispatches on the first symbol on a list,
naming the remaining variables in the :
> (record-case '(- 1 2)
[+ (a b) (+ a b)]
[- (a b) (- a b)])
This macro works:
(define-syntax (record-case stx)
(syntax-case stx (else)
[(src-record-case exp1
[else exp3 ...])
(syntax/loc stx (begin exp3 ...))]
[(src-record-case exp1
[key vars exp2 ...])
(identifier? (syntax exp1))
(syntax/loc stx (if (eq? (car exp1) 'key)
(record vars (cdr exp1) exp2 ...)
(raise-syntax-error #f "no matching clause" (syntax
[(src-record-case exp1
[key vars exp2 ...]
(identifier? (syntax exp1))
(syntax/loc stx (if (eq? (car exp1) 'key)
(record vars (cdr exp1) exp2 ...)
(record-case exp1
[(src-record-case exp1
(not (identifier? (syntax exp1)))
(let ([r (car (generate-temporaries (datum->syntax-object (syntax
src-record-case) '(q))))])
(quasisyntax/loc (syntax src-record-case)
(let ([(unsyntax r) exp1])
(record-case (unsyntax r)
Although it works I am unsatisfied with the error message in the case, where
there are no matching clause. For example this one:
> (record-case '(- 1 2)
[+ (a b) (+ a b)])
. record-case: no matching clause in: record-case
It catched the error alright, but it DrScheme high-lights the macro code
in stead of the offendling expression.
The macro is recursive so it is the "leaf" record-case in the expansion
that reports the error, and thus the wrong place in code is highlighted.
I tried to use an exception-handler to propagate the syntax-error excpetion
to the
original use of the macro, but I couldn't make it work. But I'm also a
little unsure
whether it actually was supposed to work, since the error occurs on
How do I propagate the proper location, so that DrScheme highlights the
offending use,
in stead of code within the macro it self?
Jens Axel Søgaard