I seem have hit the same (or related) bug that Laurent Orseau submitted as bug 11017 (but in a completely different context that might help track it down) and I haven't been able to find a workaround. The actual error message I get is:<br>
<br>string<?: expects type <string> as 1st argument, given: #f; other arguments were:<br> "c29a751537a750b825f72c9ee37eea737a0f3a8b9cd41e2f58a86ac8158ca605f292b20a02896479"<br><br>coming from somewhere in the bowels of DrRacket. I don't get the error when using Racket (i.e., MzScheme). I'm not sure if this machine was running the stock V5.0 or a post-V5.0 nightly build that fixed a PLaneT problem I was having. But, the pre-release 5.0.1 build gives the same error. I reloaded V4.2.5 and the code runs fine there.<br>
<br>I was hoping that the string in the error message itself might give someone in the know some idea of the problem.<br><br>Unfortunately, this happens in a rather large autogenerated agent-based
simulation that isn't easily posted - although I can send the code and the development packages it uses to someone if they need it. <br><br>A short extract of the 'main' program that runs:<br><br>#lang scheme<br>
;;; Agent Generation from Templates - PRIME (AGenT') by SET Corporation (an SAIC Company)<br>;;; Autogenerated PLT Scheme source code invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-main.ss<br>;;; Generated Monday, July 19th, 2010 12:33:42pm<br>
<br>(require (planet williams/madness/madness)<br> "invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-arguments.ss"<br> "invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-argument-values.ss"<br>
"invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-data-collection.ss")<br><br>... <about 1300 SLOC redacted><br><br>;;;<br>;;; Monte Carlo loop INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER---PLAUSIBLE-OUTCOMES<br>
;;;<br>(define (INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER---PLAUSIBLE-OUTCOMES n)<br> (with-new-simulation-environment<br> (let ((aggregate-instance-index (make-hasheq)))<br> (for ((i (in-range n)))<br> (INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER i aggregate-instance-index))<br>
(print-statistics aggregate-instance-index)<br> (generate-exhibit-files aggregate-instance-index)<br> (generate-results-XML aggregate-instance-index n))))<br><br>;;;<br>;;; Execute Monte Carlo<br>;;;<br><br>
(INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER---PLAUSIBLE-OUTCOMES 10)<br><br>;;;<br>;;; Module Contracts<br>;;;<br><br>(provide (all-defined-out))<br><br>If I simply remove the call to (INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER---PLAUSIBLE-OUTCOMES 10) and move it to it's own package:<br>
<br>#lang scheme<br>;;; Agent Generation from Templates - PRIME (AGenT') by SET Corporation (an SAIC Company)<br>;;; Autogenerated PLT Scheme source code invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-monte-carlo.ss<br>
;;; Generated Monday, July 19th, 2010 12:33:43pm<br><br>(require "invest-in-pa-yangi-yangi-tucker---plausible-outcomes-212-main.ss")<br><br><br>;;;<br>;;; Execute Monte Carlo<br>;;;<br><br>(INVEST-IN-PA-YANGI-YANGI-TUCKER---PLAUSIBLE-OUTCOMES 10)<br>
<br>I get the error above. [Again, it runs under Racket (i.e., MzScheme).]<br><br>Please let me know if there are some switches I can set or otherwise provide additional information.<br><br>Ah, I just ran it with "No debugging or profiling" checked and got some additional information - seems interesting that I got more information with no debugging. But anyway the error printed is now<br>
<br>..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\sort.rkt:85:19: string<?: expects type <string> as 1st argument, given: #f; other arguments were: "146047b7b2121bf8f7b15d7c2ef396b710f394474c12d02f2de08868342b8264c39b7fe111a38bf5"<br>
<br>It also gave a backtrace that I copied and pasted into the attached file. [Was a better way to do that?]<br><br>Doug<br><br><br>