[racket-dev] Fwd: Sandbox evaluation problem - files with comment boxes

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 27 15:57:48 EST 2015

Yes, it's a bug in v6.1.1. I've just pushed a repair for the next

Do you need a workaround for v6.1.1? Your variant that sets
`sandbox-namespace-specs` is what I would have tried; unfortunately,
that runs into a second bug in v6.1.1 that I recently fixed. If you
need a workaround other than using the next snapshot, I can look harder
for one.

Thanks for the report!

At Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:27:31 -0500, Nadeem Abdul Hamid wrote:
> Ah, I am still struggling with this sandbox problem! (previous message to
> 'users' below) I'm starting to feel like maybe there's a bug in 6.1.1, or
> else something changed in recent versions that I'm missing. The following
> screenshots show the entire contents of the BSL file that I'm trying to
> load using make-module-evaluator, with gracket v6.1.1 failing the second
> time you try to load the file (or another one) that contains a comment box,
> while racket v6.1.1 and gracket 6.0 don't have this behavior:
> http://cs.berry.edu/~nhamid/temp/foo.png
> http://cs.berry.edu/~nhamid/temp/foo60.png
> ???
> --- nadeem
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Nadeem Abdul Hamid <nadeem at acm.org>
> Date: Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 10:35 PM
> Subject: Sandbox evaluation problem - files with comment boxes
> To: users <users at racket-lang.org>
> I'm trying to create a simple sandbox evaluator (to load in programs in
> *SL). I have the following code:
> #lang racket
> (require racket/sandbox)
> (define E
>   (parameterize ([sandbox-path-permissions
>                   '([write "/var/folders"]
>                     [exists "/"]
>                     [read "/"])]
>                  )
>     (make-module-evaluator (string->path "test-file.rkt"))))
> This works fine as long as test-file.rkt does *not* contain a comment box.
> If the file contains a comment box, then the following error occurs:
> /Applications/Racket
> v6.1.1/share/pkgs/snip-lib/racket/snip/private/load-one.rkt:21:2:
> dynamic-require: unknown module
>   module name: #<resolved-module-path:"/Applications/Racket
> v6.1.1/share/pkgs/gui-lib/framework/main.rkt">
> I thought maybe parameterizing sandbox-namespace-specs with 'framework
> might do something:
> (require racket/sandbox racket/gui)
> (define E
>   (parameterize ([sandbox-path-permissions
>                   '([write "/var/folders"]
>                     [exists "/"]
>                     [read "/"])]
>                  [sandbox-namespace-specs
>                   (list make-gui-namespace 'framework)]
>                  )
>     (make-module-evaluator (string->path "lab01-insulin.rkt"))))
> But it results in:
>    namespace-attach-module: a different instance of the same module is
> already in the destination namespace
>   module name: "/Applications/Racket
> v6.1.1/collects/racket/stxparam-exptime.rkt"
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> --- nadeem
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