[racket-dev] RtMidi library for Racket?
A question:
Has there been any attempts or even discussion of including Gary P.
Scavone's RtMidi-library ( http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtmidi/ ) into
the standard distribution of Racket?
This is the furthest I could follow this trail:
but there doesn't seem to be a Windows-port, which I would need.
Or does anybody have ideas for any shortcut kludge with which I could pipe
MIDI-data from Racket to Windows Software Synthesizer / MIDIMapper device?
I guess it's not available as a named system file in Windows, which I could
just open and start writing to?
I don't need this to have "real-time accuracy required by professional
musicians", but just enough for demoing how to produce sounds with a
moderate tempo, in general educational setting.
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